Pod 135: Part 1: Head over Foot? Where should we put our COM (center of mass)?
/Key words: cross over gait, head over foot, HOF, gait, gait analysis, COM, COP, center of mass, center of pressure, step width, sprinting, symmetry, running injuries
This podcast (135) and its soon to launch follow up podcast (136), as the intro explains, comes at the tail end of a series of thought debates between Shawn and Ivo with some folks who have a different view point. While the debate is unsettled because there is not sufficient research to support one side, we feel the research leans towards our side of things. However, as the debates went on, it became clear to us that both parties were approaching the debate from a different metric to gauge each party's beliefs. We outline this in the introduction and then more forward into our dialogue. We hope you find this a productive thought experiment.
Links to find the podcast:
iTunes page: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gait-guys-podcast/id559864138?mt=2
Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/thegaitguys/pod_135final.mp3
Permalink URL: http://thegaitguys.libsyn.com/pod-135-part-1-head-over-foot-where-should-we-put-our-com-center-of-mass
Libsyn URL: http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/6309104
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