From Abby Road to Vivaldi; the Sensory information in has a corresponding motor output.

Going for a run or a workout? What you listen to has an impact on your motor output, but why ? Functional MRI of the listening brain found that different regions become active when listening to different types of music and instrumental versus vocals.
From Abby Road to Vivaldi; the Sensory information in has a corresponding motor output. The brain shifts the sound to different areas depending on the music. This is why ACDC is likely a better sound track for your next run than Vivaldi.
“Computer algorithms were used to identify specific aspects of the music, which the researchers were able to match with specific, activated brain areas. The researchers found that vocal and instrumental music get treated differently. While both hemispheres of the brain deal with musical features, the presence of lyrics shifts the processing of musical features to the left auditory cortex.” - Allie Wilkinson

A 60 second podcast.