Who are The Gait Guys?
/An overall combined 35+ years of clinical experience, teaching, and lecturing experience heavily weighted in biomechanics, neurology, orthopedics, manual medicine, acupuncture and advanced gait and running knowledge. Dr. Ivo Waerlop and Dr. Shawn Allen are finally bringing whata has long been needed to the information/web age, enough knowledge and experience to clarify the truths and dispel the myths that are abundant on the internet and in seminar halls.
Dr. Allen and Waerlop have consulted for major corporations and institutions like Vibram USA on the Five Fingers Shoe and numerous smaller companies to help educate them on various topics encompassing gait, running, shoes, foot, orthopedic and neurologic issues, biomechanics and human movement as they relate to a companies bottom line, to R&D assistance, product review, product placement and sales.
We are proud to keep our views and opinions on various products truthful and unbiased for the sake of searching for the facts, uncovering the truth and dispelling myths put upon consumers.