Got hip extension?
/Because she sure could use some...
we have see this gal before… yesterday in fact
left plantar plate lesion (yes, conformed on ultrasound)
left sided anatomical leg length discrepany
bilateral internal tibial torsion
incompetent L quadratus lumborum
adequate hip extension and ankle dorsiflexion available to her
lack of endurance in her abs
yep, lots more, but that is enough for now
note that she has plenty of ankle dorsiflexion, more on the right. this is due to her right leg being anatomically longer and has to travel through a greater range of motion
look at the knee and the hip articulations to assess hip extension. It should match ankle dorsiflexion, no?
Dr Ivo Waerlop, one of The Gait Guys
#gait #gaitguys #thegaitguys #hipextension #LLD #quadratuslumborum #internaltibialtorsion #anklerocker #ankledorsiflexion